Ultraviolet Flowers

Geranium sylvaticum L.
Geranium sylvaticum. Visible light
Visible light
(L37 filter)
Geranium sylvaticum UV light
UV light
(Hoya U-360, SB-140)

IR light
(Wratten 89B, SB-140 with Wratten 87)

All images

Nikon D1H , UV-Nikkor 105 mm f/4.5, @800 ISO
� Bj�rn R�rslett/NN

A large-flowered species with a strong UV signature in the fashion of a typical bull's-eye pattern. The UV-absorbing central area coincides with the visible-light nectar guide marks. It is instructive to compare the UV marks of this species with its close relative, G. pratense, and note the obvious differences between these species.

Wood Crane's Bill is sprinkled with purplish or bluish-magenta-hued flowers. They reflect strongly in near-IR, a fact which explains why their hues are quite difficult to capture on film or by digital means.

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Last Update 25 June, 2003