CV: Bj�rn R�rslett

Professional Nature Photographer & Senior Scientist


Key qualifications:

Botany: Aquatic Macrophyte Ecology; Statistical Ecology; Hydropower Impact Assessment; Acidification Processes
Computer Science: Programming; Digital Image Processing; Statistical Analysis; Time Series and Spectral Analysis
Limnology: Underwater Optics; Modelling Attenuation and Refractive Processes
Photography: Nature Photography, Macrophotography, Underwater Photography


1985: PhD., University of Lund, Sweden (Statistical Ecology)
1965-date Professional Photography


Professional Societies:

BioFoto Association of Nature Photographers
NN Norwegian Nature Photographers


Member of boards, etc.:

Member of: Editorial board of Aquatic Ecology
acting as a referee to
Acta Botanica Fennici
Annales Botanici Fennici
Aquatic Botany
Aquatic Ecology
Archiv f�r Hydrobiologie
Boreal Environment Research
Freshwater Biology
Holarctic Ecology
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management
Marine Biology
Nordic Journal of Botany
Regulated Rivers Research and Management



More than 120 scientific publications comprising: Journal papers, book chapters and commissioned reports. Some recently published scientific papers are listed below.

R�rslett, B. 1991. Principal determinants of aquatic macrophyte richness in northern European lakes. Aquat. Bot. 39: 173-193.

R�rslett, B. 1996. Modelling of underwater light in freshwater lakes using survival and failure time analysis. Freshwater Biol. 35: 11-24.

R�rslett, B. & Johansen, S.W. 1995. Dynamic response of the submerged macrophyte, Iso�tes lacustris, to alternating light levels under field conditions. Aquat. Bot. 51: 223-242.

R�rslett, B. & Johansen,S.W. 1996. Remedial measures connected with aquatic macrophyte problems on Norwegian regulated rivers and reservoirs. Regul. Rivers 12: 509-522.

R�rslett, B., Hawes, I. & Schwarz, A.-M. 1997. Features of the underwater light field just below the surface in some New Zealand waters. Freshwater Biology, 37: 441-454.

R�rslett, B., Schwarz, A.-M. & Hawes, I. 1996. Underwater light profiles in some New Zealand lakes: a comparison of log-linear and Weibull models. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 30: 477-484.



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Last Update 1 October, 2002