Passages - Images of Y2K
Bj�rn R�rslett
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The best picture of each month of Year 2000 ( 'Y2K') is presented above. As fitting for Y2K, each image is purely digital in origin. They are obtained using my Nikon D1 camera.
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Sometimes I get a strong feeling for a picture and post it even when the month in question isn't completed. I may repost a month's picture if a better candidate crops up later, though, so be sure to check back now and then.
Since these images describe Year 2000 in all its external variations, I have added some details about each shooting below.
January: Snow Patterns | Freshly fallen snow is driven into acutely shaped ridges in the coastal landscape of Hvaler, South Norway. The day has been quite warm, however, so melted snow forms puddles which freeze over in the late evening. (85 mm f/2.8 PC Micro-Nikkor) |
February: Red, White and Blue | This month saw mild and wet days interrupted by some snowfalls. I availed myself of the crisp colours immediately after a heavy snowfall in this shot of a rural house outside Oslo. (AFS 17-35 mm f/2.8 Nikkor) |
March: Home. Sweet Home | Birds are thinking in alternative terms, so this magpie couple secured their nest in a suitable pylon. Each to its own.... I captured this scene at dusk with my old, MF 300 mm f/2.8 ED-IF Nikkor. By adding a matrix chip to it, this old favourite works perfectly on my D1. |
April: Throwing Snowballs | Once again, the march of the seasons was upset by extreme snowfalls all over the country. Playing with snowballs is fun any time, so who cares. (AFS 17-35 mm f/2.8 Nikkor) |
May: Harbour Waters | A tranquil evening at the waterfront produced some amazingly colourful ripples (Nikkor ED-IF 400 mm f/3.5 modified with matrix chip). |
June: Barn Swallow | Even with my MF 300/2.8 lens, the quick action of my D1 helped me capture this fast-moving swallow swooping down to catch water bugs |
July: Flowers after Rain | Pavement is littered with fallen flowers after yet another downpour. A really wet summer, this is (AFS-Nikkor 28-70 mm f/2.8, PK-12 extension ring). |
August: Ripening Wheat | A study of agricultural texture with my 85 mm f/2.8 PC Micro-Nikkor |
September: Boat on Blue Lake | Crystal-clear lake water of a mountain lake, captured with the 200 Micro-Nikkor. |
October: Seagull | Yet another bird, this time a seagull hungry enough to wait for me and the 400 mm f/3.5 Nikkor. |
November: Decaying Mushrooms | This autumn has been far milder than usual, so no snow yet and mushrooms still can be found. An experimental shot obtained using the OP-Fisheye 10 mm f/5.6 Nikkor and a relay lens setup (because D1 lacks the mirror lock-up needed for mounting the 10 mm lens). If you are curious about how this picture became possible, read the story here. |
December: Oak Leaf |
A landing platform for emergency helicopters, painted in fluorescent colours, and a decaying oak leaf - why ask for more? AFS 17-35 mm f/2.8 to the rescue, again. |
So, summing up the Y2K experience, this has been a continuous and highly successful march of blazing digital colours and new photographic avenues to be explored. Simply can't remember any year in my professional carreer that has been this fun. When you're getting older, that is something you really do appreciate.
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Last Update 1 October, 2002 |